CD Verzamelprogramma's


Jitka Hosprová: Tsjechische altvioolconcerten. Feld: Altvioolconcert; Flosman: ‘Visions of Michelangelo’; Bodorová: ‘Pterostichus planctus’. Met het Praags Omroeporkest o.l.v. Jan Kucera. Supraphon SU 4276-2 (58’02”). 2016/8
Voor de verandering is het wel eens aardig om Jitka Hosprová te citeren uit een interview dat ze gaf nadat ze deze cd had gemaakt:
‘The music actually chose me. I encountered the works over the past decade or so. In 2008 and 2009, upon the invitation of the Prague Autumn festival, I performed Jindřich Feld’s concerto and Oldřich Flosman’s Visions of Michelangelo. I was truly enthralled by the latter’s beauty. Even though I was familiar with Flosman’s con­nections with the former regime, and I definitely reject totalitarianism, I decided to overlook the political circumstances and solely perceive his music as music. And this piece of his is simply great. Flosman’s music for the viola is amazing, and the composer and the violist Lubomír Malý created a truly wonderful work.
When it comes to Jindřich Feld, I met him when I was working with the Bohemia Luxembourg Trio, with whom I premiered and recorded his Concertino for Flute, Viola and Harp. He approached me, asking whether I would be willing to explore his Concerto for Viola, which he had written to commission for a French violist – he wanted it to be performed by a Czech musician too. Feld addressed me, because he was impressed by my approach to work. I was really pleased that the composer himself asked me to play his piece.
Another reason why I selected the three works is that they are scored for the viola and a large symphony orchestra. As regards Sylvie Bodorová’s Plan­ctus, I have performed it at several concerts. Sylvie only conceived it a few years after Flosman completed his Visions of Michelangelo, yet she assumed a different political perspective…’.
Het gaat dus om werken van Jindrich Feld (1926 - 2007) Oldrich Flosman (1925 - 1998) en Sylvie Bodorová (1954). Jitka Hosprová voert deze heel evenwichtig als geslaagde uitdagingen uit. Ze maakt daarbij een heel sterk betrokken indruk wat helpt om de muziek bij de daarmee niet vertrouwde luisteraar goed ingang te doen vinden.